Love Zone

" All married couples should
learn the art of battle as
they should learn the art of
making love."
Ann Landers
" On rare occasions one
does hear of a miraculous
case of a married couple
falling in love after
marriage, but on close
examination it will be found
that it is a mere adjustment
to the inevitable.”
Emma Goldman
" This would be a much
better world if more married
couples were as deeply in
love as they are in debt.”
Earl Wilson
" I think that enduring,
committed love between a
married couple, along with
raising children, is the most
noble act anyone can
aspire to. It is not written
about very much.”
Santiz Nicholas Sparks
" Most married couples,
even though they love
each other very much in
theory, tend to view each
other in practice as large
teeming flaw colonies, the
result of being that they
get on each other's nerves
and regularly erupt into
vicious emotional shouting.”
Dave Barry
" I'd love to do a character
with a wife, a nice little
house, a couple of kids, a
dog, maybe a bit of singing,
and no guns and no killing,
but nobody offers me those
kind of parts.”
Christopher Walken
"I'm sad to announce that
I've called off my
engagement. Over the last
couple months I've realized
that this is the right
decision for me. We remain
best of friends, and I'll
always love him.”
Paris Hilton
" Last few months I've been
living with this couple,
yeah, you know the kind
who buy everything in
I love their love and I am
that someone has actually
received the prize that was
by all those fairy tales that
drugged us,
but still to me I'm sick
lonely, no laurel tree, just
green envy
will my number come up
eventually, like love's some
kind of lottery
where you scratch and see
what's underneath
Its' sorry, just one cherry,
I'll play again
get lucky.”
Soul4Lyrics Conor Oberst
" That married couples can
live together day after day
is a miracle that the Vatican
has overlooked."
Bill Cosby
" If you made a list of
reasons why any couple
got married, and another
list of the reasons for their
divorce, you'd have a lot of
Mignon McLaughlin

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